Audit Cycle Set
API endpoint to get information about audit cycles
GET Retrieve Audit cycle Data
POST Creating and Updating audit cycles
Retrieve Store Audit Cycle data
Supported Protocol: HTTPS
GET /api/:version_number/:project_name/entity/audit_cycle_sets?:pagination_params
curl -K -H "Authorization: Auth-Token YOUR_PROJECT-API-KEY"
Request details
Mandatory fields marked indicated by*
Request Headers
Authorization string *
Value: 'Auth-Token {project auth token}'
Authentication token provided by Trax
Query Parameters
version_number string *
The current implemented API version. <Major> version (e.g. 'v5')
project_name string *
Project name as provided by Trax
query_params string (key-value)
Query Parameters by default the first page will be returned.
Response details
The Store GET reply body will contain the following fields
pk number
Unique identifier (pk) of the audit cycle set.
name string
Name of the audit cycle set.
delete_date date-time
Time stamp when the audit cycle set was deleted.
audit_cycles object
A list of audit cycles added to the given audit cycle set.
audit_cycle_set_fk number
Unique identifier (fk) of the audit cycle set as part of the audit_cycle object.
start_date date
Start date of the given audit cycle as part of the audit_cycle object.
end_date date
End date of the given audit cycle as part of the audit_cycle object.
delete_date Date-time
Time stamp when the given audit cycle was deleted.
"metadata": {
"page": 2,
"per_page": "10",
"page_count": 1167,
"total_count": 11668,
"links": {
"self": "/api/v4/my-project/entity/audit_cycle_sets?sort=audit_cycle:name&page=1&per_page=10",
"first": "/api/v4/my-project/entity/audit_cycle_sets?}}{{sort=audit_cycle:name}}{{&page=0per_page=10",
"previous": "/api/v4/my-project/entity/audit_cycle_sets?}}{{sort=audit_cycle:name}}{{&page=0&per_page=10",
"next": "/api/v4/my-project/entity/audit_cycle_sets?}}{{sort=audit_cycle:name}}{{&page=2&per_page=10",
"last": "/api/v4/my-project/entity/store_audit_cycle?}}{{sort=audit_cycle:name}}{{&page=1166&per_page=10",
"audit_cycle_sets": [
"pk": "6123",
"name": "Daily",
"audit_cycles": [
"audit_cycle_set_fk": 1,
"audit_cycle_set_fk": 1,
Validation and Errors
The following are the validations and errors that may appear due to an invalid GET request
Unknown Field
Error Code: 400 - Bad Request
Error: Unknown Field: <field_name>
Internal Server Error
Error Code: 500 - Internal Server Error
Error: Trax Internal Error
Incorrect or expired token
Error Code: 401 - Unauthorized
Error: Incorrect or expired token
Requesting a forbidden resource
Error Code: 403 - Forbidden
Error: A forbidden resource has been requested <resource>
Supported protocol: HTTPS
Creating and Updating audit cycle sets in Trax is done asynchronously. The stores POST should be done via the async jobs framework using the information below:
POST <host>/api/v4/<project>/async-job
Aim: To enable Clients to upload a file containing product data to Trax.
Request Details
Mandatory fields marked indicated by*
Request Headers
Authorization string*
Value: 'Auth-Token {project auth token}'
Authentication token provided by Trax
Request Body
File - xlsx file*
Entity_type - audit_cycle_set*
Import_mode - “add” or “replace”*
File_format - XLSX*
Action - “upload”
Force_version - “new”
Validation and Errors
The following are the validations and errors that may appear due to an invalid POST request
Unknown Field
Error Code: 400 - Bad Request
Error: Unknown Field: <field_name>
Internal Server Error
Error Code: 500 - Internal Server Error
Error: Trax Internal Error
Incorrect or expired token
Error Code: 401 - Unauthorized
Error: Incorrect or expired token
Requesting a forbidden resource
Error Code: 403 - Forbidden
Error: A forbidden resource has been requested <resource>
Missing entity
Error Code: "missing file"
Error: A file hasn't been added or not correct
Error Code: "missing attribute-entity_type"
Error: Entity_type hasn't been filled out
Error Code: "missing attribute-file_format"
Error: File_format hasn't been filled out
Audit Cycle Use Cases
1. Add audit cycles to the project. In this case, you will add new cycle(s) and the previously uploaded remains there.
Add for the Import_mode field the value Add
Upload the file for the File field as .xlsx
Fill out the rest of the mandatory field as well (File_Format and Entity_type)
2. Replace audit cycles to the project. In this case, you will overwrite the previously uploaded cycles.
Add for the Import_mode field the value Replace
Upload the file for the File field as .xlsx
Fill out the rest of the mandatory field as well (File_Format and Entity_type)